1ターンは4時間、1ヘクスは100 kmという比較的大きなスケールなので、「実戦のように扇状索敵を行うことで、一定距離内の敵は攻撃対象として発見できる」という前提です。そのため従来の空母戦ゲームで用いられてきたブラインド・サーチ(両軍が同じマップを持ち、衝立などで相手の位置を互いに隠すシステム)やダミー・マーカー(両軍の艦隊は同じマップ上に存在しますが、本物の艦隊の中にダミーを混ぜているので、どの艦隊マーカーが本物なのかわからなくするシステム)を用いません。
このシステムでは遠くにいる敵の位置がわかってしまうという問題はありますが、両軍の艦隊は同時に移動します(実際には米軍が移動計画した後、日本軍がマップ上で移動し、その後で米軍が計画に従って移動します)。400-500 kmの攻撃圏内では互いの位置の読み合いが非常に重要となり、従来のシステムと同じような緊張感を味わうことができます。
- ゲームボード: 1枚(A4判)
- 駒シート: 1枚(14 mm角丸50個)
- カード: 8枚(ハーフサイズ)
- ルールブック: 1冊(A5判16頁)
Originally published in Japanese by Bonsai Game as “Midway: Turning the Tide in the Pacific”. Changes in this Revolution Games version include making it a two map game, one for each player, which makes for an increased degree of hidden information regarding air strikes, damage, and combat air patrol. Four additional event cards were added to better cover the range of historical events of the battle. Anti-aircraft fire was reduced and rules for hitting the wrong carrier force were introduced. The map areas were expanded a hex row and the counter art was redone as well as many other small changes.
The game system is primarily one of air operations. When to strike and with what planes is the primary question of the game. This is balanced by how you defend your own fleet and the island of Midway for the Americans or the invasion fleet for the Japanese. The Japanese have to either take Midway or win the carrier battle to win the game and having two objectives really challenges the Japanese player to make a good plan while the American situation is simpler but his forces are not as well trained and errors in navigation, strike coordination, escort, etc can take a toll. Surface forces are not shown in the game except in their effects in AAA, bombardment, or the slight chance of an abstract night surface battle. This is a simple yet pretty accurate version of Midway that was a lot of fun during testing.
English version is available from Revolution Games.