太平洋戦争: 血戦!! 連合艦隊
『太平洋戦争: 血戦!!連合艦隊』は「提督」の行動を中心にした戦略シミュレーション。プレイヤーは日本軍または連合軍を受け持ち、提督に戦力を割り振り、重要エリアの支配を目指します。シンプルなゲームですが南方資源の重要性、空母戦と水上戦の区別、日本軍潜水艦の戦術的な働きと連合軍潜水艦による通商破壊、そしてB-29に神風特別攻撃隊など、太平洋戦争における大事な要素がルールに含まれています。
- マップ: A2判1枚
- カウンター: 15ミリ角99個(18個は『北京・北堂の57日』用)
- ルールブック: A4判12ページ(4ページは『北京・北堂の57日』)
ゲーム・デザイン: 窪田好男(太平洋戦争)&マルコ・カンパリ(北京・北堂の57日)
グラフィック: 中黒 靖
※『太平洋戦争』はオリジナル作品、『北京・北堂の57日』はLumaca Games『Pe Tang 1900』の日本語版です。
Pacific War: Deadly Bloody Battles of Combined Fleet
This game is a simple simulation of the Pacific War (often referred as “Greater East Asia War” in Japan) fought between the Empire of Japan (hereinafter referred to as the Japanese) and the Allied Forces centered on the United States. One unit represents a well-known Admiral / General (Leader) or (Theater) Commander and his core force, or the land, sea, and air military forces (one force is equivalent to several aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers and their destroyer fleets, or to one to several air squadrons, or one to several divisions).
One turn represents half a year. The game components are a map, 81 counters and these rules.
Pe Tang 1900
Pe Tang 1900 is a solitaire wargame depicting the 57 day siege of the Catholic Cathedral in Peking by the Boxer rebels in 1900. The Cathedral, packed with fleeing Catholic Chinese, was defended by 12 Italian sailors under the command of Sottotenente di Vascello Angelo Olivieri and about 40 French soldiers under the command of the Enseigne de Vaisseau Paul Henry. Their courage and resilience managed to save many lives until the relief of the Cathedral by Japanese soldiers on August 16th, 1900. The player’s mission is to defend the Cathedral and resist up to the end of turn 12, when the relief column will arrive.
Game Design: Yoshio Kubota (Pacific War) / Marco Campari (Pe Tang)
Graphic: Yasushi Nakaguro
VASSALモジュール(zip)2025年3月1日公開(提供: str_takeshi様)
ルールの訂正(PDF | Googleドキュメント)
ルールのQ&A(PDF | Googleドキュメント)